Wilkes Martial Arts and Fitness Academy has been working behind the scenes with Beverley Gay, one of Perth’s top Paediatric / kids Physiotherapy experts. Bev currently works at the Specialist Centre at Joondalup Health Campus as well as Southcare Physiotherapy which is located at St John of God Murdoch.
We first contacted Bev after working with many different children, some of which have had anything from mild to quite severe gross motor skill impairments. Some of the children we have worked with have had low muscle tone from birth or have not developed adequate conditioning. Bev visited Wilkes Martial Arts and Fitness Academy and viewed our training theories and training methodology which further assisted us in developing a training program that addresses these conditions in classes, outside the clinical physiotherapy environment. Whilst some children still need more extensive intervention for their individual needs, our classes now provide exercises which continue their therapy.
We have always prided ourselves on our children’s programs which have been developed and modified over the past 16 years to what they are today. In working with Bev we have been able to utilise her knowledge and vast experience gained over her many years working with children of all ages. We have implemented her training ideas into our programs which incorporate structured play for our little heroes and young adults, creating a fun learning environment.
Exercise for our younger generation is extremely important and our children’s programs ensure our kids are moving all of the time. The classes are paced appropriately for each age group providing a stimulating session each time. We also encourage healthy eating and an entire wellness approach to training.
If your child has a particular exercise requirement or is under the direction of a physiotherapist we would be more than happy to sit with you and have a look over their current treatment plan. We offer private classes with our senior instructors and we can implement their particular exercise requirements into these classes.
Here is the letter that we received from Beverley: